- bum out
- прогар (камеры сгорания, стенок печи)
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
bum out — ˌbum ˈout [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they bum out he/she/it bums out present participle bumming out past tense … Useful english dictionary
bum out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms bum out : present tense I/you/we/they bum out he/she/it bums out present participle bumming out past tense bummed out past participle bummed out American informal to annoy someone or make them disappointed … English dictionary
bum out — 1. in. to have a bad experience with drugs. (Drugs.) □ I bummed out on angel dust. □ She bummed out once too often and gave up the stuff altogether. 2. in. to have any bad experience. □ We bummed out at the concert. I dropped my music, and Larry… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
bum out — verb To cause a person to be depressed or disappointed. “It bums me out that I can’t play, but I’m glad my brother has the opportunity,” Austin Baker said … Wiktionary
bum out — v To depress. I was really bummed after I heard the news. 1950s … Historical dictionary of American slang
bum — bum1 [ bʌm ] noun count INFORMAL 1. ) AMERICAN someone without a job or place to live who asks people for money in the street 2. ) AMERICAN a lazy person 3. ) someone who spends all their time doing an activity or being in a place they enjoy: a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bum — I UK [bʌm] / US noun [countable] Word forms bum : singular bum plural bums informal 1) British the part of your body that you sit on 2) someone who spends all their time doing an activity or being in a place they enjoy a beach bum 3) mainly… … English dictionary
bum — ☆ bum1 [bum ] n. [< bummer, prob. < Ger bummler, loafer, habitually tardy person < bummeln, to go slowly, waste time] Informal 1. a vagrant, hobo, tramp, or beggar; specif., a shabby, often drunken derelict 2. any shiftless or… … English World dictionary
bum roll — noun A shaped pad or cushion worn below the waist to make a skirt stand out from the body • • • Main Entry: ↑bum … Useful english dictionary
bum's rush — {n. phr.}, {slang} Throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. * /When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum s rush./ * /Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum s rush./ 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms
bum's rush — {n. phr.}, {slang} Throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. * /When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum s rush./ * /Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum s rush./ 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms